Photos: The Beautiful Rainy Season

Lord, I thank you for sunshine

Thank you for rain

Thank you for joy

Thank you for pain

It’s a beautiful day

The heat season from February to mid-May was especially brutal this year. (Although I have a feeling we think that every year 😉) And I longed for the rainy season, when we could go full days without turning on the fan because the atmosphere stayed cool. When we could cozily bundle up under blankets at night, rather than try to hand-fan ourselves and sleep at once. When the sky became blue again instead of gray, and when the leaves bloomed and filled the city with green.

My main concern though was the heat because I’m sure my arms added more muscles from waving a hand-fan for hours on end. Westerners say a conversation is awkward when you start talking about the weather, but in this case, lamenting about the heat with friends and strangers alike was like a means of mental health preservation. The weather was the prime conversation subject in the entire country haha.

So I’m sooo happy it’s the rainy season again—even though it does come with its own challenges like insect bites and violent winds. And I feel like I should be more mindful of it since I’ve literally been counting down to it. It’s been storming and showering, so beautiful to enjoy again. And I decided to share some springy photos in honor of the season!

My favorite!
A drive to buy fried chicken when I couldn’t stop commenting on having blue skies again.
The hills at the rear of our estate are becoming verdant again!
It’s slightly edited but I hadn’t seen these many clouds in a while!
My youngest brother’s school compound.

One of the words God also gave me this period was WATER. Flowing springs. Rivers of living water. Streams in the wilderness. Floodgates of heaven. Oshimiri Atata (A song in a Nigerian dialect that means ‘river that never runs dry’.) And it feels so perfectly fitting for this season!

Thank you for stopping by!

6 responses to “Photos: The Beautiful Rainy Season”

  1. Weather is frequently a topic in conversation where I live. It’s somehow either always too cold or too hot. We’re just starting to get into our hot months after about half a year of rain, clouds, and gloom, so I’m envious of your rainy season.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really, the weather is a great topic since it influences our comfort and moods. I’m happy to have enviable weather 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “Westerners say a conversation is awkward when you start talking about the weather, but in this case, lamenting about the heat with friends and strangers alike was like a means of mental health preservation.”

    Yes!! I’m definitely a westerner but there is something very bonding about everyone melting or freezing and sharing the experience.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂 yessss it really is a bonding experience!

      Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I hold a BA in Mass Communication, had worked as a journalist, and currently freelance as a writer for lifestyle websites. When I’m not writing or reading, I love savoring nature, listening to music, and amateur photography.


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