A Lucia’s Fiction Guide

Hello Visitor 🙂

My main drive for making this blog about my publishing journey is to connect with other writers. Writers in different levels of the journey (drafting, editing, querying, agented, dumped by agent and querying again, on submissions, etc) seeking information, insight, motivation, or encouragement from someone who’s experienced the same.

As the years pass and my blog posts increase, however, some posts are falling to the bottom. And we can’t have that (nuh-uh).

So here’s a little Visitor’s Guide To Lucia’s Fiction to help you access as much information as you want on the blog!

Tags and Categories 

I’ve tried to arrange key topics under the Tags and Categories which you will find at the bottom of the pages. Some major tags are:

Query, Querying Tips, and Querying: These focus on my querying thoughts and processes. The most used is Querying.

Writing, Writing Tips, Writers, Writing Fantasy, and Writing Advice: These touch on my drafting process.

Publishing Journey and Publishing World: This set focuses on the external part of getting published, such as full request updates, pitch events, being agented, submissions, and more.

Publishing Musings: These are more personal reflections on all things publishing. I’m a fan of the publishing industry dynamics and often share thoughts on it.

Submissions: Most of the posts here will go live when I announce a book deal. The tag is about the submissions process.

How I Got My Agent: This has posts of me being agented.

Agents: I haven’t used this as much as I should, but it leads to posts about agents.

Announcements: This has my publishy news.

My books: I don’t use specific tags for my books, but I have a post called My Story Moodboards that has a comprehensive list, along with the moodboards, of my manuscripts over the past four years. For the writing process of each one, you can throw their title into the search bar and see what pops up! (This includes terms like ADOBS 2 and ADOBS 3 whose real titles I’m keeping under wraps.)

How To Search

The Search Bar is at the very bottom of the page, added to make everything easier! If you search ‘Query’ you’ll get the list of all my query posts, both those with Tags and posts with ‘query’ in the title.

Whatever information you could be looking for—or want to see if I’ve written on—put it in the search bar and you will have it delivered easily to you.

About Me

I hold a BA in Mass Communication, had worked as a journalist, and currently freelance as a writer for lifestyle websites. When I’m not writing or reading, I love savoring nature, listening to music, and amateur photography.


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