Why I Don’t Participate In NaNoWriMo

Wait! Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against NaNoWriMo. In fact I support it and bristle to know there are NaNo-snobs out there talking down on the event! I also encourage anyone planning to participate to read this article on how to tackle the famous National Novel Writing Month.

With November now here, writers all around me are talking about the event—participating, not participating—and it had me thinking about where I fall in that spectrum. The way some writers have spoken to me about NaNo also shows they expect that naturally, I’m participating too.


I’ve never done NaNoWriMo. It’s probably because I haven’t had a project at the time it was going on. Looking back, I believe I first learned about NaNo in 2021. By November 2021, I was revising my regency novel with the former agent. By November 2022, I’d just finished ADOBS and was querying it. And now, November 2023, I’m revising a manuscript. So although the energy was especially infectious last NaNo, I didn’t have any projects to join in on the event with.


I’m not ruling NaNo out and thinking I’ll never join in. I suspect that in the future, if a project I’m working on coincides with the writing month, it’ll be fun to hop on. I’m not quite a competitive person because I actively train myself not to be—I’ve noticed competitive situations can sometimes get messy, that’s why—but when I do get into competitions, my goal is to smash it lol! So I think it’ll be fun!


When I’m loving a project, I write… really fast. So while I’ve seen that NaNo is a writing motivator, I don’t quite need it to write. So I won’t be, like, putting off a project and waiting for November because then I’ll be inspired. Maybe if I find myself struggling with a project I can do that. Really, the NaNo energy online is powerful and it seriously makes you want to be a part of it!

So these are reasons I haven’t done NaNo. I haven’t had a project coincide with the timing, and I haven’t yet felt like I needed a writing event to get words down.

Have you done NaNoWriMo—how has it been? If not, do you think you might?

My December TBR!

8 responses to “Why I Don’t Participate In NaNoWriMo”

  1. I’ve been participating off and on since 2007, but mostly either out of boredom or because I’m already working on something and want to see what the prizes are, haha. When I first started, they had some really nice ones. I think one was getting a steep discount for editing services. They’ve gotten less so over the years, but I like to participate now and then to see what they offer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s wild that nano has gone on that long and is still existing! I hadn’t known they were prizes, that’s awesome incentive for sure! I hope the prize-giving returns

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yup, still ongoing! I had meant to complete it, but life happened, so I never found out what the prizes were. I just hope there were some good ones for those who finished. Maybe this year I’ll try to find out again.


  2. I’m doing NaNo this year– sort of. I feel like I never do it “right”, but I needed the inspiration to get me started this year. I’m not just writing a new manuscript but making sure I do one of the following each day in November: write some of my new manuscript, revise another one in progress, or work on querying. It’s been working so far! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love hearing this; that you’re joining NaNoWriMo to use it as it works for you! That’s clever. I hope you win NaNo!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Terry Pratchett! Good choice =)

    As for NaNo, I’ve never participated either. Mostly because I already put a lot of pressure on myself to write and I write regularly anyway. I think trying for a 50K word count in a month might steal my joy unless I’m already writing something that fast. But I totally get how it could be motivating if someone’s struggling with a project!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m enjoying his funny little book, hehe. I love feeling the energy of writers writing during this time of the year. I love it for everyone participating!

      Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I hold a BA in Mass Communication, had worked as a journalist, and currently freelance as a writer for lifestyle websites. When I’m not writing or reading, I love savoring nature, listening to music, and amateur photography.


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